Classroom assessment for teachers

A proven, do-it-yourself formula for greater professional and personal success

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Classroom assessment : Concepts and applications

Airasian presents complex concepts clearly so that pre-service teachers can understand them, and solidly grounds these concepts in best practice through practical, real, well-integrated examples. He talks to, not at users. The text conceives of classroom assessment in a broader way than many other texts.

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Handbook of Research on Assessment Literacy and Teacher-Made Testing in the Language Classroom

The Handbook of Research on Assessment Literacy and Teacher-Made Testing in the Language Classroom is an essential reference source that discusses effective language assessment and educator roles in evaluation design. Featuring research on topics such as course learning outcomes, learning analytics, and teacher collaboration, this book is ideally designed for educators, administrative officials, linguists, academicians, researchers, and education students seeking coverage on an educators role in evaluation design and analyses of evaluation methods and outcomes.

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Literacy assessment and intervention for classroom teachers

Updated to reflect the needs of teachers in increasingly diverse classrooms, the fifth edition addresses scaffolding for English language learners, and offers appropriate instructional strategies and tailored teaching ideas to help both teachers and their students. Several valuable appendices include assessment tools, instructions and visuals for creating and implementing the book's more than 150 instructional strategies and activities, and other resources.

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